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P o r t f o l i o

Some of the sites we've worked on:


J.M. Ingram & Associates

J.M. Ingram & Associates is an association of experts with a strong technical background, specializing in applying a disciplined approach to management & metrology consulting services.

The project objective was to provide an online brouchure of services, in order to follow up J.M. Ingram & Associates' activities at various conferences, events, and client meetings.

The update frequency of this site was expected to be infrequent, with changes not more than every two to three months at most. As a result, a Content Management System was determined to be unnecessary, with the understanding that this fact may change at some time in the future. For now, the site is maintained by WMW staff as needed, the best and most economical approach for the specified update schedule.

J.M Ingram & Associates' technical concentration lends to a necessary simplicity of design. This quality, in combination with basic professionalism, required the site's presentation to have a quiet, but assertive nature. Classic navy blue, with serif font styles, make an atmosphere that JMI's client's expect and trust.

Tony C. Zappia - Writer/Photographer

Tony Zappia is a talented outdoor writer and photographer. A photographer has very specific needs relative to the visual display of his or her artwork. Similarly, a writer requires a space to display material in an easy-to-read, easy-to-access text format. On top of that, anyone as busy as Tony Zappia (artist or otherwise) doesn't want the management of their website to overtake their life.

So the challenge with tonyzappia.com was to create a visually appealing site that would be simple to update, while not costing a great deal of time or money to keep it that way. In addition, Tony had very specific ideas about his website becoming a resource for folks who appreciate his work: hunters, fisherman, art lovers, and visitors to the great outdoors.

We built Tony an image gallery site with space for his archived writing, a list of resources for his visitors, and an online journal, all driven by a custom Content Management System (CMS). Tony now has the ability to edit any of the content in his website easily, on his own, using web-based forms, switches and buttons. He can insert new images into his gallery, add articles, revise reports and resources, and all without ever learning any new skills.

North Country Public Radio Online

WMW's Web Manager, Bill Haenel, managed this Public Radio station's site from January 2001 through June 2004, planning, implementing and maintaining their live audio stream, their site-driving database, the redesign of the site in January 2001, and much more. Since the redesign, NCPR's site has become a model for other radio stations to follow, and their traffic has increased significantly. NCPR.org now serves about 2000 visitors each day.

The site's "Public Media Manager" Content Management System software, initally developed by Bill, and now in the skilled hands of the Station's exceptionally high-caliber web and non-web staff, has enabled the station to build an extensive library of multi-media regional news and arts archives.

The CMS application has recently been released into open source development space at SourceForge.net, and is currently being distributed to other public broadcasters around the country. In time, NCPR hopes to release a complete site management suite in cooperation with WMW, Clarkson University and various web/software developers from inside and outside the public broadcasting field.

In addition to being a leader in public broadcasting, the site has become a frequently-travelled site by NCPR's listeners from all over the northern tier of New York State.


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